If event marketing is part of your marketing strategy, chances are you’ve found yourself asking what a pandemic means for your 2020 marketing plan. Your customers’ attitudes and behaviours surrounding events are likely to have changed in the past few months, but now is the time to re-install their confidence in exhibitions, which is going to be a major driving force in the thriving of the events we all love.
The Event Industry Alliance (EIA) – the collective associations of Association of Event Organisers (AEO), Association of Event Venues (AEV) and Event Supplier and Services Association (ESSA) – has introduced an industry initiative called ‘Project Confidence’.
![Project Confidence - Events](https://www.roarb2b.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Project-Confidence-300x300.png)
The goal is to send a uniform message to our audiences which instils a renewed confidence in events and prioritises safety above all without, of course, compromising on the value everyone derives from live events. Event stakeholders want to know they are in safe hands, and it’s our job to make sure every measure has been taken to minimise risk. While safety will be important to our audience, communication must be a balance between safety and enjoyment – people still want to meet up, connect and have fun!
‘Project Confidence’ is a key step in providing reassurance to everyone who attends and participates in events, by showing that we collectively as venues, organisers and suppliers are doing everything we can to create safe spaces where people can meet again.
If the last few months have taught us anything, is just how much we need and crave for human interaction, and while the return of live events will be gradual, it’s safe to say, they’ll be better than ever before.
We’re raising awareness and seeking support from right across the industry – exhibitors included! It’s important for people to get behind Project Confidence and what it stands for. You can find out more about the initiative and how you can get involved at www.aeo.org.uk/project-confidence
We are continuing to collaborate with our friends AEO, AEV and ESSA to facilitate the safe opening of our event halls and venues. We are putting to use our collective knowledge and experience spanning decades, and all areas of the events industry, to create a roadmap for the resurgence of live exhibitions.
Read more about the new event safety measures we’re putting in place here.